The biggest difference is having confidence and clarity to take forward our new ideas with a detailed and precise strategy.

“I feel much clearer now about who we are as a business! The biggest difference is having confidence and clarity to take forward our new ideas with a detailed and precise strategy.

“We understand our customers better, we have more insight into our competitors and our own strengths and weaknesses, and we have a clearly defined set of actions for the way forward.

“There are so many great things about Launchpad!

“The course is well written and structured; it’s delivered with enormous enthusiasm, insight and integrity; it offers fantastic flexibility for busy business owners; and it has so much opportunity for expert advice on specifics.

“I would recommend the Launchpad programme to anyone who feels lost (even a little bit) in finding the direction of their business.

“It will undoubtedly help you focus on the things that matter, and develop a clearer understanding of who you are as a business, what you are truly good at, and who (from all the possible customers out there) is best suited to you.”

Cathel McGlashan


It has made the long and winding path to my vision for my business into a full speed motorway.