Brand strategy & mentorship for authentic business owners

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Get Personal and transform your marketing content

When you struggle with content-creator’s block, here’s why:

You’re creating content for … no-one.

You’re sending your content out into the ether, without feeling 100% clear on who’s going to receive it - and that makes you feel uncomfortably visible. It’s bringing up all sorts of negative feelings that add up to convince you that you’re just not cut out for this.

Here’s a simple trick to change that narrative:

Stop trying to ‘create content’. Instead, write a letter to your next client: the person whose problems you understand inside out; who you just KNOW you can help.

What would you say in that letter? Write it all out.

When you read back what you wrote, you’ll find you’ve created your own marketing gold-mine: a whole store of ideas that you can transform into content that connects you seamlessly with the people who need your help.

Here’s mine:

Dear friend,

First of all, congratulations!

You’ve achieved some pretty AMAZING stuff so far - though you don’t always take time to celebrate how far you’ve come:

  • You’re your own boss! Most people will only ever DREAM of doing that – yet you’ve done it. Kudos!

  • You’re BRILLIANT at what you do: just think of all the people your business has already helped. Your work MATTERS – the world needs more people like you in it.

You’ve got a lot to celebrate – yet right now, when it comes to growing your business, you just keep getting in your own way and it’s Driving. You. Mad.

I see that. I know.

Please know, you’re not alone. All those other business owners who look like they’re totally smashing it right now? Don’t believe the hype. Many are feeling the very same frustration that you feel.

In fact, from the outside it looks like YOU’RE one of the ones who’s smashing it – even though on the inside, you’re full of doubts.

  • You’re don’t know where your next client is going to come from.

  • You’re not sure whether you’ve got the right offer – or even, the right niche.

  • (Do you even need a niche??)

  • (Should you change your offer??)

  • (Do you need a new lead magnet??)

  • (Are your prices too high? Or too low??)

The analysis paralysis is real; and that means YOU are the bottleneck in your success.

Think back for a moment:

When you first started out, you just dived in to action and you did what felt right.

Yet now, with a bit of success behind you, the stakes feel higher and you’ve stopped trusting in you.

You’ve started making things feel more complicated than they need to be.

You’ve started feeling that YOUR next-level success depends on how well you can learn to follow someone else’s recipe or keep up with the latest trends.

Not true.

  • You are the heart of your business.

  • You are the magic ingredient that has got you this far.

  • All that you’ve achieved already is the result of your talent, your courage, your passion.

Your next level success depends on you turning up the volume on all that stuff that makes you GREAT – and tuning out the rest.

Trusting in everything you’ve learned so far, so that you can pick out YOUR perfect client amongst all the crowds of possible clients.

Intentionally shaping your offer, your marketing, and your business owner life, around YOU and your real, unique brilliance.

You don’t need to become something you’re not, to unlock the next-level success you’re capable of.

The only thing you need to do, to become unassailably confident in your decisions - and to consistently attract YOUR favourite kinds of clients - is to be as intentionally, authentically YOU as you can be.

And I’m here to support you to lean in ALL THE WAY to your vision, your superpowers and YOUR unique genius.

We’re going to use that to build the foundations for your next level of success.

Are you ready? Let’s do this!!

Jo x

P.S. Is it YOU I’m writing to? Let’s talk! Set up your call with me today.